
the reason why I chose this topic...

First of all, I'm going to tell you why I chose this topic.
When I had to write persuasive essay in IE Ⅲ writing class, I wanted to write about euthanasia. However, I couldn't make my position clear. That is to say, I couldn't declare whether I'm in favor of euthanasia, or not. So, it was absolutely impossible to persuade people because even my opinion toward euthanasia was vague.
In this time, I take a chance to think again about euthanasia. Therefore, I'm intend to think over this controversial issue.

Through a little investigation of euthanasia, I realize again that this controversial issue is really really difficult. I haven't decided my side yet especially for agressive euthanasia. I understand opinions of both sides.

I don't have negative image for passive euthanasia. However, if that patient is my significant other, I couldn't accept it even if that patient consents it.

I think the problem of euthanasia is related to not only the patient himself (or herself) but also his (or her) around people such as family and friends. The doctor is, too.

I'll keep investigating and thinking about euthanasia.

7 件のコメント:

Shiori さんのコメント...

The reason why I got interested in euthanasia is because my dog had recently died by euthanasia.Maybe how society concerning of animal euthanasia and human euthanasia is different, but I wonder why it is a problem if people die by euthanasia, but dog isn't.

As for my stance, I am for euthanasia. I think to keep patients that has no hope of living any longer is very cruel and unnatural. Especially I don't think it's ok to keep unconscious patients alive only because of patient's family's will.

Like Chiaki said, this issue is hard because we have to consider how people around the patients think about euthanasia.
Also, some government, for example Japan thinks euthanasia is helping the action of suicide. As we can see, we have to consider euthanasia is morally ok or not.

Though it is difficult, I think this issue is really worth discussing, so I will do my best on researching too.

miho さんのコメント...

This issue is really hard, and i don't really know if i am for or against it as of now. So far, I think that it is the patients right to want euthanasia, but it is also cruel to watch this happen for the patients family...

I am really interested in this topic, and would like to know more about it ^^

mamirin さんのコメント...

Reading your comments, I was really made to think about this problem. I'm also for euthanasia and I think doctors and the family of the patient shuold think over and decide whether they accept it or not. But isn't this peoblem solved so easily like this??

I heard a news before that one doctor did euthanasia on a patient because he could not endure seeing the patient suffering. I could understand the doctor's thought, but this became a problem and there were so many opinions about that.

Surely people around the patient, especially his family, will not accept euthanasia easily, but perhaps they may accept it if they see the patient suffering so seriously.

But, the problem that euthanasia may promote suicide still remains. If euthanasia is accepted, I can understand that the number of suicide will be increasing. I wonder how we can stop its increasing...

I am getting very confusing while writing this comment^^;
But I also want to discuss it deeply.

aya naraoka さんのコメント...

I have learned about euthanasia when I was a high school student. Each country has different opinions.
I am side of agreement. Seemingly, it is better to make people aliving. If I became vegetable, I do not want to keep aliving. I can do nothing, and I even can not say thank you to people who help me.
I think I am happier to die when I am in this situation. The best thing is to value patients' opinions.

ayaka さんのコメント...

Yesterday I watched a news that a doctor stopped the artificial resprirator though the patient was braindead. The news said the family agreed to it, but the doctor's act was regarded as illegal.

If it was desided without family's opinion, the doctor would be murderer, but family agreed to do it, so I think it was no problem.

I think this news is related to euthanasia.
I am in agreement with euthanasia but we should think of it more.

kana さんのコメント...

I don't know much about euthanasia. But peaople should have a right to choose how to die because, for now, i think death is a part of our lives.

It's nice if i can think about this topic more reading this blog.

yukichi さんのコメント...

This is a really controbersial issue. I think it's a great topic to think and argue about.

Personally, I am for Euthanasia. If the patient accept the fact and tell the doctor that he is ready to die (before he becomes unable to talk), I believe the patient should be treated as he or she wishes.

I understand there are opinions(as shiori has stated) that euthanasia is helping the action of suicide or it is morally and ethnically wrong and it can be said that it really depends on the situation.

However, in my opinion, keeping them alive but unable to do something physically or contact anybody don't differ as much to being dead. Lying down in bed all day is almost same as being passed away.

Doctors are not killing the patients. They are helping them to be freed by the tremendous pain. How else can the patient die? Patient himself/herself is unable to move and the family don't know how to kill the patient technologically. Then, it's time to rely on the doctor.

I hear some news that some doctors killed the almost hopeless patient before the doctor even asked the family for permission.

In this case, it's different. Waht the doctor has done is obviously a murder.

The important this is for the doctors to ask the patient or the patient's family. If they are permitted, they should help the patient relieve. If they dont permit, they should keep the patient alive.

This topic seem to be pretty difficult!
good luck!!!

nice blog !!
