
About Euthanasia ①

~Passive euthanasia~
Passive euthanasia is withholding general treatments such as antibiotics, drugs, and surgery, or giving a medication (like morphine) to relieve pain, knowing that it may also result in death. This type euthanasia is currently accepted. Actually, passive euthanasia is done by hospitals.

~Aggressive euthanasia~
Aggressive euthanasia is using substances which cause patients' death. In other words, patients are forsed to kill. Many people regard this means as aiding suicide.This type euthanasia is the most controversial means.
【countries which approve of aggressive euthanasia】
America (Oregon), Holland, Belgium, France, Switzerland

References: Wikipedia

1 件のコメント:

Mika さんのコメント...

Now, I don’t agree or disagree about euthanasia. If patient with the terminal illness is suffering unbearable pain and wishes to end his or her life, doctor and family have to help.
Many people are opposing about this topic because they say it's immoral, since God gave you this life and you don't have the right to end it. And some people think the person's fate is fixed, that you are supposed to die at a certain time in your life. I think it means dying by naturally.
Also many approval people think in this way. If a person is in extreme pain and does not wish to continue living, he or she has the right to end without assistance. These people are saying that they feel they do not deserve to suffer.
But others say its murder to help someone kill themselves, even when they've given permission.

May be euthanasia is good option for some people but if I’m patient with the terminal illness, I think I don’t depend on drugs. It is easy to die but I think you have to be responsible for your own life.

There are few countries which allowed euthanasia. May be it would be interesting to research about approval countries and non-approval countries farther more. Also reason why they allowed euthanasia or not.